If you want to build lists instead of taking them apart, you need constructors. 如果希望构建列表而不是将其分开,就需要构造函数。
Can taking time apart from each other help your relationship or is taking a break simply a way to avoid certain issues that will still be there waiting for you when you get back together? 而分开一段时间真的能促进两人的关系吗?或者这种方式只是两个人为了逃避一些问题,而当他们再次相处时,问题却依然存在。
A Fourier transform is kind of like taking apart a puzzle, you start with a completed picture and end up with smaller pieces that each make up part of the whole. 傅立叶变化是类似于将一个难题分成一个个小的部分,你可以从完整开始,部分结束。
Ever since I was a child I've enjoyed taking things apart and putting them together again. 我从小就喜欢把东西拆开,再装起来。
The act of taking something apart ( as a piece of machinery). 把某物像拆分机器零件一样分解的行为。
Choosing toys that involve the actions of putting together or taking apart can help develop a child's hand and eye coordination as well as his fine motor skills. 挑选工具分解、合物品的玩具,可以训练孩子的手眼协调能力,对手部精细动作的发展有帮助。
What am I doing? Taking its parts apart. 我在干什么,把它的各部分分开。
And Mr Dunham is preparing for the Christmas season by repeatedly assembling and taking apart a purple bicycle on his front porch. 杜纳姆先生在家门前反复拆装一辆紫色自行车为圣诞季节的到来做准备。
John enjoys taking old clocks apart. 约翰喜欢拆卸旧钟。
I was always taking apart some car. 一直是和汽车打交道。
Well, we shall see about that. I do not take kindly to threats, and I will enjoy taking you apart a piece-at-a time. 好啊,我们来试试,我最忍受不了威胁了,并且我很乐意在你身上花上一点时间。
TextC_2_e3 Wilbur and Orville didn't have any special training in science or engineering, but they enjoyed taking mechanical things apart to see how they worked. 威尔伯和奥维尔没有接受过任何科学或发动机操纵方面的专门培训,但他们喜欢把机械装置拆开研究其工作原理。
Some gifted students are so good at deciphering a character by taking it apart that they can figure out what western civilization and Chinese civilization happen to share. 有些无师自通的“拆字家”甚至能从汉字中窥知中西两种文明暗合的内容。
The KISA director denied taking part in the violence, saying his involvement was limited to trying to keep the two sides apart. 该木佐导演否认参与暴力事件的一部分,他说他的参与仅限于试图保持双方分开。
There was definitely a way of taking apart this door. 肯定有一种方法能把这个门弄开。
It is indeed an astounding turnaround, especially given that it is taking place in a town where a thousand deals fall apart every day, where breaking up is never hard to do. 回首过去真是不可思议,因为湖人队曾经错失了千百次好的交易,也许很多人都以为不可能发生的事情还是发生了。
He is taking the radio apart. 他正把收音机拆开。
I saw that he was taking members of his team apart and giving them instructions. 我看见他把他的队员叫到一边给他们指示。
Born in London, he was always taking things apart as a child. 生于伦敦的乔纳森小时候总是会把东西拆开。
The price reduction caught the attention of iSuppli, an analysts'firm known for taking apart gadgets to estimate how much they cost their manufacturers to put together. 降价引起了分析公司iSuppli的注意,后者以拆开设备、估计制造商的拼装成本而闻名。
We've talked about taking some time apart. 我们谈过分开一段时间的。
On the base of analyzing the characteristics of ERP system and ERP learning, taking apart the leaning contents and learning styles of ERP, and integrating Agent technology, we present an E-learning model which is used to learn ERP, viz. the ERP learning model. 在分析ERP软件复杂性和学习特点的基础上,对ERP的学习内容和学习方式进行了剖析,并结合Agent技术,提出了一个ERP学习的E-learning模型&ERP学习模型。
The text tries to examine the panorama of Tie Ning's novels from an overall angle, hackling and taking apart the unusual Feminism Consciousness in the novels. 本文力图以整体的眼光纵览铁凝小说创作全貌,梳理和剖析小说中所呈现的女性意识。
Research and analysis of multi-dimensional association rules mining Taking Apart Apriori Algorithms 一种基于APRIORI性质的多维关联规则挖掘算法的研究Apriori算法剖析
To explore the causes led to suicidal psychology and action by taking apart one case with cancer who had suicidal action, it is expected to give some revelation to clinical physicians, in order to avoid such tragedy happening again. 通过对一例伴有自杀行为癌症患者的社会心理剖析,探讨导致癌症患者出现自杀心理或行为的各种因素,希望能对临床医师的诊疗工作有一定启示,以尽可能避免类似悲剧的发生。
But for taking apart the models of classroom teaching diagnosis clearly, we separate them. 不过,为了能将课堂教学诊断模式剖析得更加清晰,在本课题中,我们对其做了必要的分离。
Chinese cities show the obvious characteristics of transition under the dual roles of market and globalization, thus urban spatial structure has entered a dramatic remodeling process: the differences of urban space are rapidly expanding; and the social space structure of unban is continuously taking apart. 中国城市在全球化和市场化双重作用下呈现出明显的转型特征,城市空间结构进入了剧烈的重构进程:城市空间的差异迅速扩大,城市社会空间结构不断分化。